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发布日期:2025/2/27 15:56:39


作为纳米药物递送系统平台的先行者,已成功为国内多家知名药企提供高精度递送方案。基于此,锘海正式推出?mRNA全链研发解决方案?:mRNA 核酸系列产品、脂质纳米粒试剂盒以及核酸定制、核酸包封及方案技术支持服务。通过标准化产品与定制化服务双轨并行。助力科研机构突破递送瓶颈,推动实验室成果向临床转化。从原料供应到工艺优化,从设备支持到方案设计,锘海正以全链条服务能力赋能mRNA药物研发,加速国产高端科研设备在生物医药领域的深度应用。

 mRNA 核酸系列产品 


EGFP mRNA 转染间充质干细胞 24小时

EGFP mRNA 转染原代单核细胞 24小时

 FlowOrigin M 脂质纳米粒试剂盒 


                                                                                                                                              FlowOrigin M 脂质纳米粒试剂盒                                                       试剂盒转染效果

                                                                                                                                                                Cre mRNA 转染LoxP-tdtomato小鼠皮肤细胞              mCherry-mRNA转染骨髓间充质干细胞                                Luc mRNA体内活体成像



1. Human adipose-derived multipotent stromal cells enriched with IL-10 modRNA improve diabetic wound healing: Trigger the macrophage phenotype shift. Bioeng Transl Med. 2024; e10711.

2. Optimized RNA interference therapeutics combined with interleukin-2 mRNA for treating hepatitis B virus infection. Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2024 Jun 21;9(1):150. 

3. ROS-Responsive Injectable Hydrogel Loaded with SLC7A11-modRNA Inhibits Ferroptosis and Mitigates Intervertebral Disc Degeneration in Rats. Adv Healthc Mater. 2024 May 1:e2401103.

4. Sustained delivery of chemically modified mRNA encoding amelogenin from selfassembling hydrogels for periodontal regeneration.  Composites Part B: Engineering.Available online 21 December 2023, 111162.

5. Adipose-derived stem cells enriched with therapeutic mRNA TGF-β3 and IL-10 synergistically promote scar-less wound healing in preclinical models. Bioeng Transl Med. 2023 Nov 10;9(2):e10620. 

6. Vascular endothelial growth factor a modified mRNA engineered cellular electrospun membrane complexes promotes mouse skin wound repair. Materials Today Bio. 2023 Aug 23;22:100776.

7. Enhanced adipose-derived stem cells with IGF-1-modified mRNA promote wound healing following corneal injury. Mol Ther. 2023 Aug 2;31(8):2454-2471. 

8. Safe and Effective Delivery of mRNA Using Modified PEI-Based Lipopolymers. Pharmaceutics. 2023 Jan 26;15(2):410. 

9. Engineered exosomes enriched in netrin-1 modRNA promote axonal growth in spinal cord injury by attenuating inflammation and pyroptosis, Biomater Res . 2023 Jan 17;27(1):3. 

10. Transient secretion of VEGF protein from transplanted hiPSC-CMs enhances engraftment and improves rat heart function post MI, Molecular Therapy . 2023 Jan 4;31(1):211-229.

11. Combination of chemically modified SDF-1α mRNA and small skin improves wound healing in diabetic rats with full thickness skin defects. Cell Prolif. 2022 Dec;55(12):e13318. 

12. Engineered adipose-derived stem cells with IGF-1-modified mRNA ameliorates osteoarthritis development. Stem Cell Res Ther 2022 Jan 15;13(1):19. 

13. Chemically Modified SDF-1α mRNA Promotes Random Flap Survival by Activating the SDF-1α/CXCR4 Axis in Rats. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 2021 Feb 4; 9:623959.

14. BMP-2 and VEGF-A modRNAs in collagen scaffold synergistically drive bone repair through osteogenic and angiogenic pathways. Commun Biol. 2021 Jan 19;4(1):82

15. Human adipose-derived stem cells enriched with VEGF-modified mRNA promote angiogenesis and long-term graft survival in a fat graft transplantation model. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2020 Nov 19;11(1):490. 

16. Cell-mediated delivery of VEGF modified mRNA enhances blood vessel regeneration and ameliorates murine critical limb ischemia. J Control Release. 2019 Sep 28;310:103-114.

17. Lipid nanoparticle-assisted miR29a delivery based on core-shell nanofibers improves tendon healing by cross-regulation of the immune response and matrix remodeling. Biomaterials. Volume 291, 2022, 121888.

18. Enhanced human adipose-derived stem cells with VEGFA and bFGF mRNA promote stable vascular regeneration and improve cardiac function following myocardial infarction. Clin Transl Med. 2025 Mar;15(3):e70250.





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