MicroflowS (Milliliter-scale)
Ideal nanoparticle synthesis system for labs with the volume of products from 0.5 to60 mL, which is suitable to perform several groups of cell or animalexperiment. Large range of flow rate ratio makes the device appropriate formany application fields, including the preparation of liposome, polymernanoparticle, and etc. More flow rate option, from 0.1 to 50 mL/min, allowsusers to adjust their product size in a larger range. Through reusablecartridge and unlimited syringe brand, the cost for daily use has been reducedas much as possible.
Fromseries T, S, M to G, Mingtai provides consistent design of thecartridge path, suitable for fast large scale production.
Stabilityand repeatability
Welldesigned path ensures the precise control of the flow rate, making productsstable and repeatable.
Shortsynthesis process speeds up screening.
FlowTech S Cartridge
-Consistentpath design with other FlowTech cartridges.
-Broadapplications: for the synthesis of LNP, liposome, polymer, and etc.
-Laminarflow to generate uniform nanoparticles.
-Lessthan 3 ms of mixing time.
Software(Microflow S)
TheOS, also named Microflow S, possesses similar function and operation logic withMicroflow T and M, so that users can get started quickly.
-Unlimitedformula saving
-Syringetype customizable
-Fastdata exportation
Microflow Brochure.pdf